Blue Projects 2021 Annual Gathering Meeting in Poland

Between November 16th and 19th, Blue Projects Country Leaders, Department Leaders and Project Leads reunited in Warsaw for the 2021 Annual Gathering Meeting.
As a global company, we aim at offering our colleagues the possibility to interact more with each other, meet in person and integrate the newly joined members in the team structure.
Despite the pandemic, we consider it is important to keep our tradition and maintain close relations within our core departments, across all our 24 offices. In order to better understand and align our strategy, we have continued our regular overview of the previous years, assessing our development, department by department.
The reunion also represented a good moment for brainstorming and debating the most important topics related to the company activities and for looking into the future strategy towards 2030.
We would like to thank all the team members involved in this event for their contribution to its success and we are eager to meet again, next year.