Meet Marshnee Moodliar

1. What is your name and occupation in the company?
My name is Marshnee Moodliar and I’m an Architect for Blue Projects South Africa.
2. How long have you worked in the company?
I joined Blue Projects 7 months ago.
3. What were your expectations first day you started the job vs what are your expectations now?
My expectations when joining the Blue Projects Durban office was a fast-paced environment with a diverse range of projects and people especially at an international level.
Since I started, my initial expectation from a project aspect was diversity of project types and sizes. I now have definitely experienced this on a very hands-on perspective which has been invaluable to me. I was challenged, excited and motivated from day one at Blue Projects. I was quickly trusted to take on new work, and I always have the opportunity to enrich my knowledge and global projects experience.
4. Onboarding process
The onboarding process is a team effort among HR, hiring managers, and work teams.
One thing that I liked so much in the onboarding process was the ‘buddy system’ that it’s quite practical and efficient, we have regular meetings on a weekly basis. My buddy always maintains a positive attitude and is excited to show me the ropes throughout the company.
5. Linkedin learning platform
I think it is a wonderful platform for learning. There is very interesting content across all genres, very accessible and user-friendly learning at your fingertips. I have a love for art and in investigating the platform reconnected with my interests, in addition to work related upskilling.
6. What do your daily tasks look like?
My daily tasks consist of client correspondence and dealing with any new mail requests, working through drawing and design deadlines of current projects, and attending project meetings. Assisting my manager with office queries and tasks.
7. How would you describe the company culture?
Young, vibrant, innovative, considerate, interested in excellence and growth.
8. What is the best thing about working here?
The diverse projects in typology, complexity, and locations, as well as working with an amazing team and boss who makes coming into work every day something fun and comfortable. Also, the open opportunities to have a larger participation and responsibilities in project work.
9. How would you describe your coworkers and managers?
All the people I have worked with in Blue Projects have been polite, friendly and helpful. Working with the teams based in other continents is a very interesting experience, and the staff treats each other very respectfully which is great. Managers are approachable, knowledgeable, and invested which is comforting, there is always an incentive to do things in a different way or try to look for alternative solutions.
10. What is your team like?
Great down to earth people who focus on working hard and well, while keeping things fun and interesting in the background. I really enjoy working with my manager Melissa Truscott and the Durban Office team. Being part of BP is something to be proud of. 😊 The opportunity to deliver meaningful results, and be recognized for your efforts, is something that I will take with me throughout my career.