Meet Monica Alexoiu our Project Cost Manager

As we continue to grow and add passionate and cool talents to our team, it is a pleasure to introduce our new team member, Monica Alexoiu.
- What is your name and occupation in the company?
My name is Monica Alexoiu.
I’m the new member of Blue Projects Project & Construction Management department, as Project Cost Manager, at the moment for ongoing projects in Romania.
Briefly, my job involves budgeting, estimating and controlling costs throughout the project and also monitoring and reporting the evolution of an approved budget.
- How long have you worked in the company?
It’s only been 6 months since I have started working at BP, but I feel like I’ve been part of the team for much longer.
- What were your expectations first day you started the job vs what are your expectations now?
Expectations were high, I also knew that there would be equally great challenges and much new knowledge to assimilate in a relatively short time. My previous experience in execution field showed me that the construction field is very dynamic, and you have to adapt and keep up with market volatility. You must always be prepared to solve an unforeseen situation, so it is very important how you use the information you have or know where to look for it.
Now my expectations are still high, but I am grateful that I managed to keep up with all the challenges so far and I am sure that there will be others that I can’t wait to overcome.
- Onboarding process
The onboarding process was very well structured, with a lot of information and a lot of support provided by the team.
- LinkedIn learning platform
The platform gives you the opportunity to create new skills or refine existing ones. Really useful on tips & tricks.
- What do your daily tasks look like?
My work is not quite linear. I organize my daily tasks according to priorities. They depend on the time of the month, the evolution of the ongoing sites and the new awarded projects. There are days when i have tasks on multiple projects and other days when i concentrate on just one, for example when we are in the bidding process for a new project the focus is on that project.
- How would you describe the company culture?
I think that the most important principle of the company is the integrity and transparency with which it conducts its activity.
- What is the best thing about working here?
Much emphasis is placed on the integration and organic development of new employees. I think it is a suitable environment for both professional and personal growth.
It is a place that offers you the flexibility to implement your creativity.
- How would you describe your coworkers and managers?
The kind of people that you can count on.
- What is your team like?
They are open people, with whom you can work easily and who offer you their support in case of need.